6 weeks

I’m very quiet this time. Maybe because every celebration invites the letdown on the other side. 

Happy to be sober and productive.

My husband and I started a Whole30 (Google it) on the first day I stopped drinking. I didn’t admit this before now because I realize restricting alcohol AND sugar should be a recipe for disaster, but surprisingly it helped…having rules and something else to think about other than alcohol was useful. We are still mostly “whole30”. For example, when I eat bread/sugar, I have horrid sugar crashes not unlike hangovers. I’ve also learned that my anxiety issues feed off of low quality carbs. I had bread one night as a major part of dinner (panzanella with mozzerella but no other protein) and omg the anxiety afterwards. Just very interesting…

Also had a friend visit who eats mostly the same because of pre-diabetes. I have diabetes in my family so it wouldn’t be surprising if my blood sugar stability depended on what I eat. 

10 thoughts on “6 weeks”

  1. I also did whole 30 and found it really beneficial to getting started with early sobriety. And I agree, eating anything with sugar after creates hangover effects. I’m still dealing with that, which is likely a sign I need to get off the sugar train soon ;). Congrats on your progress!


  2. Thank you for your confirmation. I am struggling with sugar currently and it is getting to me in the same way alcohol did: depression, anxiety, even suicidal thoughts which just are not there when I eat healthy. It is SO obvious, and still… Taking the right to take care of me and do the right thing is difficult. Happy for you that you are doing so great! 6 Weeks is awesome!
    xx, Feeling


  3. Up to now I’ve been a bit lax on cutting anything other than booze out but there’s nothing like a health scare to make you redouble your efforts. I’m off gluten, dairy, sugar and almost off coffee too and I do notice I feel much better without it all, it’s not just you. Way to go on 6 weeks too – woohoo! x

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Sometimes having a focus, especially with a partner, can really help.

    I used to be an extreme low carber. For a while I felt better, but I eventually went too low and it really depressed my mood.
    There is a balance with food that is different for everyone. But we have to try to see what works for us!

    6 weeks is great. Keep going.


    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m a moderate eater most of the time.
    I do find if I have too much of anything, I don’t feel well.
    I also find that once I have too much salty foods, that leads me to wanting a lot more.
    Same for a lot of sugar with fat foods…ice cream.
    Happy 6 weeks!!


  6. I once tried to quit both alcohol AND sugar… didn’t work. Now I’m off the booze but still have the sugar cravings to fight off. Hope I’ll get there one day. Keep up the good work!


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